Front Page for 8-6-14

Front Page for 8-6-14

What a great start to August! Faulk County has had a busy summer, and it's not letting up in the least.

Cresbard Corn Fest is this weekend, among other things they'll feature musical entertainment by Velvet Soul!

There is an Ecumenical Rally at Our Savior Lutheran church today (Wednesday, Aug. 6, 2014), and John Cassens will star in Little Shop of Horrors at the Aberdeen Community Theater all this week!

Faulk County 4-H Acheivement Days starts this Sunday!

In local literature Bruce Roseland talks about his new book and the upcoming discussion on the SD One Book "Dakota" at the Faulk County Library. There is also a report on the recent meetings of the Faulkton city council.

Here is the front page, but if you want to read it all, you'll have to subscribe. fcr-2014-08-06-0-001
