Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why should I get an on-line subscription?
  • I can’t access my subscription!
  • I’ve forgotten my username/password!
  • How do I subscribe to the Faulk County Record on-line edition?


Why should I get an on-line subscription?

When you have an on-line subscription to the Faulk County Record, you will be at the front of the pack! Some good reasons to get the E-Edition:

  • The on-line edition is available prior to the paper version. The paper is uploaded to our website as soon as Tuesday evenings, while all paper subscribers need to wait until Wednesday or even longer (depending on your mail service).
  • The on-line edition is in color! No more black and white boring photos, you will see the paper in all its color glory.
  • 24-Hour access. While you can always view this week’s newspaper while you’re holding on to it, what happens when you toss it out? Or forget to grab it when you go on vacation? With an e-edition subscription, you can access your newspaper from anywhere, anytime.
  • Access to archives is always available! Previous weeks will stay available as we upload them. Currently our archives begin at December 2011.
  • Save money! The on-line edition is the same cost as a local subscription, so even if you’re far-flung, you won’t have to pay far-flung prices.

I Can’t Access My Subscription!

First, check to see if you’re Logged In.

If you are not, please use your username/password combo to do so. (I forgot my username/password.)

If you are, and still have no access, please check to see when your subscription was due to expire. It may be that you are in need of renewing your subscription. You may do that here!

If you are certain that your subscription was not yet due to expire, you cannot find your registration email (which contains your expiration date), and you know your username/password combo and still cannot access your subscription, please contact us.

I’ve Forgotten my Username/Password!

If you have forgotten either your username or password, you can ask for that information to be sent to you.

Click here to request your username/password.

Please use the link above if you’ve forgotten your username as well, as that information will be contained within the email sent to your email account.

*If you do not receive the email within 1 hour of requesting the password, please check your junk/spam inbox. The email will be from “faulkcou [AT]”

How Do I Subscribe to the Faulk County Record On-Line Edition?

Subscribing to the Faulk County Record online edition is pretty easy!

First, click on “News (Subscription Required)” and choose your subscription length: 12 months, 6 months, or 3 months.

Then, click the “Check Out with Paypal” button.

Choose to pay with either your credit card or via Paypal and enter the required information, then finish the check out process.

You will be redirected to the following page.*  Click the “Please Register Now (Click Here)” button.

Fill out the form, then click Register.

Wait a few moments, then check your email for a generated password. You can use your mouse to select the password and use “Edit –> Copy,” then enter the username and password in the log-in page or area of the FCR website. Now you have access to the on-line edition!

*If you are not redirected, or if you are interrupted during the registration process (after you’ve paid), you can finish the registration process by clicking in the email that will be sent to your inbox within 30 minutes of a processed payment.

